State of the Movement


Stray Dog Institute believes that it is crucial for animal advocates to have access to accurate, up-to-date information about the animal advocacy movement. Having a clear understanding of funding and priorities across the movement provides the basis for ensuring effective advocacy. With dependable data on how the movement is using its resources, we can be more responsive to the changing funding landscape, addressing blank spots, avoiding unnecessary duplication of efforts, reaching new audiences, and identifying new opportunities.

In prior years, Farmed Animal Funders conducted a State of the Movement survey, last run in 2021. To continue to provide this information for the movement, Stray Dog Institute will conduct an updated State of the Movement survey in Q3 2024 to assess current funding and topics of work across all segments of animal advocacy related to the food system.

What will the survey include? 

Our survey will quickly and efficiently collect information about organizations’ locations, budgets, staff, expenses, topics of work, and geographical areas of focus. We plan to repeat this survey on a yearly basis, enabling regular analysis of year-on-year changes and longer-term trends.

When will the survey be available? 

In July, we will begin contacting advocacy organizations via email and online communication forums with an invitation to provide contact email addresses and basic organization profile information, facilitating subsequent access to the survey. The survey will open for responses in August and remain open for two months.

Who should fill out the survey?  

This survey will welcome the participation of animal advocacy organizations of all sizes, in all locations globally, that do work related to helping animals in the food system. The survey will be best filled out by each organization’s executive director, or another staff member with deep understanding of resource allocation and theory of change.

How will the results be released? 

In Q4 2024 we will release a report of aggregate data from the survey. In future years, the survey report will include analysis and comparison with prior years. We will also use the survey results to maintain as an ongoing resource a free, searchable database of animal advocacy nonprofit organizations, containing basic public info such as staff size, geographic region, theory of change, and focus areas (type of work, species, etc.). We plan to expand and update this database regularly as an open resource for funders and the broader movement.

About the Author

To cultivate dignity, justice, and sustainability in the food system, Stray Dog Institute provides nonprofit allies with funding, strategic research, and opportunities for collaboration. Together, we hope to build a more compassionate world for people, animals, and the environment.

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